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Developing capable employeesfor our nationwide operationsNew Employee TrainingQuality Improvement TournamentJudo TournamentKendo TournamentAreas covered by ALSOKAreas covered by ALSOK Group companiesP....

Developing capable employeesfor our nationwide operationsNew Employee TrainingQuality Improvement TournamentJudo TournamentKendo TournamentAreas covered by ALSOKAreas covered by ALSOK Group companiesProviding Clients with a“Feeling of Security”Preventing the Spread of DamagePatrolling Without ErrorQuickly Issuing Orders Basedon Various FactorsOur Electronic Security Services systemsprovide clients with safety and security,something formless. Even though we cantake every measure to explain these serviceswith words, the fact is that earningclients’trust is of the utmost importance.When a client says,“I’m so happy I installedhome security,”I truly feel thepride and satisfaction of a job well done.(Sales, Johoku Branch)Members of the Electronic Security Servicesstaff rush to the scene when a disturbanceis detected at our clients’premises. We offer on-site response to intrusionsas well as fires, power outages,and various other disturbances. We carefullyprepare for the occurrence of thesedisturbances 24 hours a day in two workingshifts. During a shift, we must stayalert, and the night shift is particularlytense as there are a number of highly urgentdisturbances to respond to. I takepride in my work, and am aware of theresponsibility that my daily work entails.(Electronic Security Services, Chuo Branch)Failure is not tolerated in this line of work.When I am on patrol, I always carefullyobserve the surroundings and make sureto confirm the task at hand with my patrolpartner. These are the most basic elementsof the job, and are not to beignored. It is a high-pressure job, one inwhich you could be attacked by a prowlerat any given moment. Therefore, I feel agreat sense of accomplishment everytime I am able to safely return to the office.Further, clients offer me words of encouragement,which brings me great joy.(Cash Deposit Machine Operations,Transportation Security Services,Keisou Kanagawa)I am responsible for issuing orders fromone of ALSOK’s Guard Centers, which aresaid to be the core of the Company’s operations.My primary duties include confirmingthe status of our clients’premisesand whether any disturbances are occurringby constantly monitoring displays,and issuing orders to prevent the spreadof damage. The initial response of theGuard Center has a significant impact onthe resolution of the issue. For this reason,I have great pride in my work andfind it very rewarding.(Guard Center, Chiba Branch)CSR Report 20117