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CSR activities ReportConsumer IssuesImproving Security Service Qualityand Client SatisfactionWe believe that it is absolutely important to properly understand clients’needs from their perspectives an....

CSR activities ReportConsumer IssuesImproving Security Service Qualityand Client SatisfactionWe believe that it is absolutely important to properly understand clients’needs from their perspectives and respond tothese needs in an appropriate manner.importance of Security Service Qualityand Client Satisfaction improvementALSOK has a considerable influence on development of a sustainable societythrough provision of the security services that maintain public safety. In order to accomplishthis, it is important for to us take a client-centered perspective when developingand providing security services. We always provide society as well as ourclients with beneficial services, seeking to realize a sustainable society.All of ALSOKefforts stem from this philosophy.Opening ceremony for the Sohgo Security Alliance Quality Improvement TournamentmajoR aPPRoaCheS main PeRFoRmanCeS (FiSCaL yeaR ended maRCh 31, 2011)? Security Service Quality Improvement? Transportation Security Services Safety Measures? Employee Skill Development? The first Sohgo Security Alliance Quality Improvement Tournament? The number of employees recognized for zero traffic accidents: 526 employees? Introduction of GST Card system? Client Satisfaction (CS) Improvement ? The number of outbound calls: 40,307Security Service Quality improvementALSOK StandardsThe Company has established its own unique set of business standards. In creatingthese standards, we selected items that were related to compliance and client servicesfrom service quality improvement policies and other relevant systems. These standardsmade it easier for us to quantify our goals.Sohgo Security Alliance Quality Improvement TournamentALSOK believes that Groupwide quality improvement can help each individual employeeimprove the quality of their work. Based on this belief, the Company began holdingthe Sohgo Security Alliance Quality Improvement Tournament in the fiscal year endedMarch 31, 2011.The first Sohgo Security Alliance Quality Improvement Tournament was held atALSOK’s Tokyo Training Center on November 11, 2010. Participants in this tournamentwere chosen through preliminary tournaments conducted at ALSOK offices nationwide,thereby all employees had a chance to participate in this event. On the day ofthe tournament, the victors of these preliminary tournaments?including talented employeesfrom sales, Electronic Security Services, maintenance,Transportation SecurityServices, Guard Centers, and Stationed Security Services?assembled at the TokyoTraining Center. The tournament featured a variety of competitions based on actualwork duties, including emergency response, driving,AED first-aid techniques, and salescompetitions.The fierce competitions served to inspire employees to pursue the improvementof their own work skills.We will continue to hold these competitions so that we can enhance the qualityof participants and the competition itself, which will lead us to further Groupwidequality improvement.22 CSR Report 2011